## Anil Sreenivasan's cyber logs: The Presidential Election 2008 - Campaigns side tracked

Monday, January 28, 2008

The Presidential Election 2008 - Campaigns side tracked

The presidential election campaign is moving ahead in a very conventional way with the traditional issues without realizing the crisis facing U.S economy. Issues are still Abortion, Immigration, Iraq, Same-sex marriage, Taxes and Social security. Even on CNN web site, I didn’t see any economic and jobs related issues listed. Not to underestimate the above issues, but just to mention the need for the candidates to refocus on the real issues facing the country at this juncture. Campaigns are getting side tracked to false issues - Former president Clinton’s self injection to the campaign and his remarks about Barack Obama and further discussions on the media and now former President Kennedy’s only surviving brother’s endorsement of Obama. I strongly feel that our candidates need a refocus on the real issues and a commitment on solving those issues; especially economy and jobs related ones. Only such a refocus will take the election campaign to high grounds.

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